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December 31, 2009


Welcume 10.. tata 09

Indeed. Im 3h 07mins late to post this.
with the new number. counting on it. 9>10
I believe everyone should improve.
I mean it.
it is different with CHANGE
because changing may becoming worse

I do
have weakness.
but I will
because im aware of the ridiculous state of endeavour
be it.

Now im going to open a new chapter*again after awal muharram*-_-'

Strive for success

December 24, 2009

I hope.

I hope I can sream..


Blast in fury..

I cant~

I hope I can make my own world

Fill the sky..

Choose my cloud

I cant~

December 14, 2009


Have u ever heard about the 7 wonders in the world? Well. They are mostly*of course well known.

Have u ever heard about one of the greatest human creation, the Pyramid?

Have u ever heard about the symbol of love from Shah Jehan for his beloved spouse, Mumtaz? He built, well not really he was the one who BUILT the Taj Mahal but the most important point is, he dedicate the Taj Mahal for her.

Have u ever heard about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Well.. king Nebuchadnezzar ll
built them to please his sick wife Amytis of Media.


Now answer me. Have u ever heard about the God creation called

They are obviously genius.

These human are born with
2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 hands, 2 legs,
1 nose 1 mouth 1 **** and
the most importantly
1 heart

Its obvious the less organs they are given, its harder to keep them
and the responsibility is greater to ensure they are

example: 2 eyes may affect only
themselves, but the 1 mouth can affect themselves
and others. this indicate that the mouth
is harder to be taken care of


remember the most important organ
that they were given is the HEART
its THE heart
its only THE.
and the THE means something special.

religious view : belief that the HEART may blacken or whiten*depends on sins and deeds*
logics : the HEART may stored emotional value
fact : the HEART may overtake the brain

the most important point is..
every action made by other organs would affect the HEART

example : when they use their eyes, careful, it may affect the HEART
when they use their mouth, careful, it may affect the HEART(if not them, others)
when they use their ears, listen carefully, it may affect the HEART

Ironically. Most of these so-called-genius-human dont even
notice the important of the HEART.
Yeah they may did some research that smoking may affect heart and lead
to cancer bla3...
they dont realise that a simple gesture such as
touching with their hands can affect the HEART

simple conversations may affect the HEART

simple view may affect the HEART

i guess they havent made any research about that, yet.
its up to them.


December 3, 2009

I miss them~

Tomorrow, Royals(Debat DiRaja) will be started. This prestigious event would gather superb orator from all over Malaysia.

**I hope i could join my companions(BEBET n UNTA).
** Sometimes its stressful not be able to do something we love to.
** I miss my class. 5T, the 'kecoh' class ever.
** I miss my F1 mates. We survived together.
** and the house of champions, Yellow(some might argue, be it! :P) YOU were fantastic!

But, the very reason I write this post is about something. Maybe its quite unfortunate for someone. Rather, I felt lucky to experience this. This holiday really taught me the real lesson in life. Thank you to YOU.

Finally the question that ive waited for 2 years had been answered. Eventho it is not the one that I hoped for. At least Im 'free'.

uh la la ~~

November 30, 2009


The Weird Thing About LIFE

You can choose but you might not be chosen

You can leave but you might need it

You can prepare but nobody knows the plan

You can deliver but you cant rely on acceptance

You ought to be loved but you are heartless

You can see the thing but there is nothing

You may love someone but you are someone that cant be loved

You foreseen future but you tend to forget the past

You ignore the present but struggle to identify the absent

You may succeed in getting the unwanted ones
failed to get what you really want

You try hard to let it go
people put their foundation of faith on you

You wait but there's no one coming

*people, u r most welcome to add these on the comment, tenkiu :P*

November 28, 2009

Aku Tahu Kau Masih Sygkan Aku~

Harini,esok, adalah hari yg sgt istimewa.


Mungkin kerana ada sesuatu yg akn terjadi di sini. Ehem2.. Tapi post kali nih bukannya nk berceloteh tntg 'keraian' tu. Tp saya nk cerita sesuatu.


Mlm tu, sya xdpt tidur. Gelisah semacam. Katil sudah berbunyi, sedara mara pun dah sibuk mengeluarkan bunyi-bunyian yg 'istimewa'. haish. resah pula. Saya cuba mencampakkan diri ke katil tersyg seawal 2.10am.*awl la tu bg sya*. Masalahnya tak dpt juga melenakan diri.
Akhirnya keputusan drastik terpaksa dibuat. PC tersyg yg terletak betul2 bersebelahan ketil disambar tanpa belas. PES 10 yg baru di'update' yg menjadi mangsa.

Setelah satu tournament dihabeskan, FIFA CUP, kejuaraan tercapai *lawak PES* jgn cube gelak, *lame*..

Tiktok2... jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 4.31am.. Haish.. Ni kalau tidur kompem xbgun subuh..
Tp apakan daya.. Mata yg dua ni sudah memberikan isyarat kecemasan. Segera katil pula yg menjadi mangsa.


Belum pun puas tidur, tiba2 terasa kesakitan yg amat, badanku kebasahan, peluh menyelaputi seluruh bdn, perut memulas. *EMERGENCY!*.. Tandas terdekat menjadi mangsa pula. Saya menyumpah2... Terasa sakit betul hati. Baru sahaja nak lena... Perut pula mencari masalah.

Tiba-tiba terlihat kelibat sesuatu. Putih warnanya..

Umiku sedang bersolat Subuh rupanya.

Jam sudah pun menunjukkan pkul 6++ am. Baruku tersedar. Bersyukur di'kejutkan' utk menunaikan ibadah Wajib yg seringkali manusia seperti kita terlalai.. Alhamdulillah.

Ketika ini saya sedar. Dia masih sygkan saya. Ya Rahman. Ya Rahim.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Tuhan Yang Maha Suci dan Maha Tinggi berfirman: "Demi kemuliaan dan kebesaranKu! Aku tidak akan mengeluarkan dari dunia (mematikan) seseorang - yang Aku hendak mengampunkan dosanya sehingga Aku sempurnakan balasan tiap-tiap kesalahan yang ditanggungnya, dengan ditimpakan penyakit pada badannya, dan kepicikan pada rezekinya."

November 24, 2009

ASma Allah!



Allahuma shalli 'ala Muhammad wa ali Muhammad
Ya Muslimin shallu alayh

Allahuma shalli 'ala Muhammad wa shahbi Muhammad
Ya Mu'minn shallu alayh


Allahuma shalli 'ala Muhammad wa ali Muhammad
Ya Muslimin sallu alayh

Allahuma shalli 'ala Muhammad wa shahbi Muhammad
Ya Mu'mineen shallu alayh

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
La ilaha illa hu
Al Malikul Quddus

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
Ya Rahmanul irham da'fana

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
Ya Ghaffaru ighfir dhunubana

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
Ya Sattaru ustur 'uyubana

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
Ya Mu'izu a'izza ummatana

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
Ya Mujibu ajib du'aana

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
Ya latifu ultuf bina

November 22, 2009

Aku pun manusia~

Pelik kan. Bila ada manusia yg xsanggup dilayan seperti binatang. Empunya badan mahu masyarakat tahu bahawa dia ialah manusia. Mahu Dibelai dan dimanja. Diberi perhatian. Dijaga sensivitinya. Namun pada masa yg sama, dia tidak mengerti bahawa ada lg manusia di sekitarnya.

Manusia punya perasaan
Manusia punya emosi
Manusia punya hati

Ini suma karekter umum seorg manusia. Tidaklah susah nak membezakan antara seorg manusia dan seekor binatang. Alah, macam membezakan antara Pak Ali dan Si Comel. Perbezaannya begitu ketara.


Kadangkala manusia ini lupa betapa hidup sebenarnya saling bersangkut paut. Kita hidup di dunia berdasarkan dua hubungan : -

hablumminannas(antara manusia)
hablumminallah(antara Allah)

Perkataan manusia itu sendiri berasal drpd bahasa arab 'annas' yg bermaksud LUPA. Jadi memang fitrah manusia itu bahawa ia akan sering melupakan atau dilupai.


Sikap manusia ini juga kadangkala melambangkan betapa lupa itu merupakan sebahagian drpd aktiviti penting mereka. Lupa itu bukan sahaja lupa pd manusia lain. Tetapi kpd Pencipta mereka. Lupa itu meliputi aspek yg begitu luas. Lupa pd tanggungjawab, perasaan, kewujudan, dan mungkin rasional kehidupan. Tambah mengerikan apabila ada manusia yg terlupa tujuan dihidupkan.

Bukannya hendak disempurnakan sikapnya. Kenyataan di atas sbnrnya berbaur ingatan. Fitrah manusia sering terlupa. Jadi timbul persoalan, mengapa setelah menyedari hakikat ini, manusia sering terlupa mengingatkan? Senang saja. Sebab mereka terlupa. =). Tapi perlu diingatkan. Di Malaysia sahaja ada 26.9juta manusia. Mana mungkin mereka ini terlupa pd masa yg sama. Inilah masalahnya kalau semua manusia terlupa akan tanggungjawab mereka.


Seringkali timbul masalah dlm sesebuah komuniti, apabila ada segelintir manusia yg kurang prihatinnya. Manusia ini mungkin berasakan betapa ia diciptakan begitu unik dirinya. Mungkin diliputi rasa riak dan tidak memahami. Mungkin juga kurangnya terdedah dgn kesimpulan akhir kehidupan, iaitu sentiasalah mendekatkan diri kpd kawan, bukan mencari lawan. Semua ini terjadi kerana mereka ini sbnrnya tidak mengenali diri sendiri. Mungkin mereka belum lg mengenali formula mencari identiti diri. Mengenali diri sendiri sbnrnya sng sahaja. Cuba lakukan kaedah observasi. Kita belajar menilai kehidupan, sesuaikan diri dgn persekitaran, memahami fitrah sosial dgn belajar drpd melihat.

Sebenarnya setiap manusia itu merupakan cermin kpd manusia lain. Tiada yg lain. Titik permulaan kehidupan Allah sediakan sama sahaja utk kita. Cuma kita yg memilih utk menempuhi trek kehidupan yg mana. 100m/400m/1500/8000m.

Anda pilih~

"Orang Mukmin adalah ibarat cermin bagi Mukmin yang lain. Mereka bersaudara di antara satu sama lain. Memelihara harta bendanya dan melindungi kepentingannya masa ketiadaannya"
(Riwayat Abu Daud)

November 21, 2009



I wish i could run
there is nowhere to go

I wish i could reach to the end
its just a long, straight path

I wish i could make a choice
there is only one road available

I wish i could see another scene
there is only the same greenery view

I wish i could scream aloud
i sure there is no one to hear

October 31, 2009


Sometimes we need love
but then, we realize it is forbidden for us

Sometimes we need to share
but then, we realize it is personal

Sometimes we ought to be lonely
but then, we realize that loneliness is better

Sometimes we offer care rather than ignorance
but then, we realize its us who needed attention

Sometimes we struggle to discover happiness
but then, we realize happy is attitude-related, not event

Sometimes we're driven to accomplish missions
but then, we realize they are absurd

Sometimes listening is better than talking
but then, we realize that both are better than doing nothing


Sometimes we choose to wait
but then, we realize there is another one waiting, for us~

October 12, 2009


Guess Im still dont even know how to eat corn the proper way

Please dont blame me. It takes ultimate care and emotional details
to finish this corn as you may

Looks like i'll never be able to learn the 'technique' again
Hope not~


October 10, 2009

The making of THE MAKING

It was obvious that this is the beginning of a new chapter
So I would like to announce
Today is the making of THE MAKING

Maybe YOU dont care. Neither YOU will realise
As long as im the director of THE MAKING
I will conduct and plan everything for the making

Hence my fellow friends, colleagues, and even acquaintances, lets get started
I am an all man
Thus the main character, antagonist, side actor,cameramen,scriptwriter and even props
They will be played by me

As long as im alive.
This new chapter would keep continuing
Without THE END


September 23, 2009

of rendang,ketupat and duit raya~

Affirmation-Savage Garden

I believe the sun should never set upon an argument
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands
I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love 'til you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold
I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love 'til you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

I believe forgiveness is the key to your own happiness
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed
I believe that God does not endorse tv evangelists
I believe in love surviving death into eternity

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love 'til you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye(Repeat 2)
Until you say goodbye
Oh no no no no no

September 15, 2009

Rouse up!

ROuse up! Rouse up young STARIANS all.... aha korg sambung sendiri..

Assalamualaikum. Post kali ni agak sensitif. Bukan CASE SECITIVE kayh.

KEpada yg rase2 xde kaitan dgn post ni silalah mem'berambuskan' diri anda yeh.


15 September 09, aq yg cuti awal sempena raye ni menggagahkan kaki ke alma mater tu. Mulanya agak berat hati sbb sume sedia maklum dgn isu yg hangat skrg. Jadi takut2 dgn membawa nama sbgai ex-STAR a.k.a STAROBA(walaupun blom daftar) aq pun pergila jugak ke STAR. Ceritanya aq tumpang rumah AFU.

Beginilah*versi skema sikit*.

Almaklum byk sgt tragedi yg berlaku mase terakhir2 kita kt cni. Diakui, rmai di antara kita yg meninggalkan alma mater ni dgn rasa kecewa,marah,tensen, down, sedih dan mcm2 lagi negatif feeling. Kesannnya aq nmpak sampai skrg sbb ramai je rakan2 yg tidak lagi proud mengakui diri sebagai STARIAN sepertimana ketika kite junior2 dlu.

Ade yg menyalahkan alma mater ini kerana terkandas. Ada yg melepaskan rasa mrh pd alma mater ni krn tidak berjya sperti rakan yg laen. Ada juga yg memencilkan diri kerana rasa malu dgn kejayaan yg laen. Tapi kita sbnrnya lupa bhw 'hanya kita yg menentukan hala tuju diri'.

Jgnlah jadi seperti segelintir senior yg terus memencil diri slps keluar. Mari same2 kita menyumbang kpd alma mater nih. Semua sedia maklum kan skrg alma mater ni bergolak dgn isu2 hangat. Jadi sudah mjadi tugas kita utk mencari penyelesaian, kalau tidak pun membntu pihak sekolah. Aq bukannya nak kite masuk campur dlm urusan besar seperti pertelingkahan antara STAROBA-ADMIN, tp jomla kita sama2 meredakan ketegangan.

Sekurang-kurangnya jomla lawat sekolah. Benar, mungkin ada segelintir guru yg tidak senang dgn segelintir kita, namun jgn lupa ada terlalu ramai lg guru dan pelajar yg mengharapkan kdtgn senior2 ni.

Keadaan skrg agak kritikal krn pelajar2 berada dlm keadaan terumbang ambing, terutama bdk lower form. Jadi sukakah anda melihat mereka yg sepatutnya menjaga dan menaikkan name alma mater ni menjadi perosak segalanya? Tidak kan? Ingatlah walaupun kita sudah menjejakkan kali keluar, namun apa2 berlaku cthnya jika tercalar nama almameter ini, pasti kesannya kita terima bersama.

Kpd yg masih terasa hati dgn para guru/admin, sudahlah, kita buang yg keruh dan ambil yg jernih. Pentingkanlah apa yg lebih penting seperti alma mater ni.

Kami di *** dah berbincang serba sedikit. Mmg, mslh bdk2 STAR(termasok kite) ialah kurangnya pendedahan tentang kejayaan senior2. Sbb tu lah mereka kurang motivasi,kabur tentang hala tuju masing, xde semangat nak berjaya. Ini fakta dan bukan mainan kata sbb berapa ramai antara kita yg tahu tntg SAT,IB,A-LEVEL,DIPLOMA,MATRIKS,ASASI, sblm keluar STAR. Mmglah, kita kurang diberi informasi tentang bnde2 ni sehingga terkinja2 slps SPM. kalau nak dibandingkan dgn pelajar2 SAS,koleq etc, kita nmpaknya jauh ketinggalan.

  • Berkomunikasi dgn para guru di sekolah
  • ambillah tahu perkembangan semasa
  • sesiapa yg berkesempatan anjurlah program2 utk student
  • lawatlah skolah sekurang2 sekali setahun
  • hilangkan rasa marah,kecewa,gelisah,takut dihati, ingatlah kejayaan dan kemanisan di sana
  • jgnlah fikirkan diri sendiri shj, kalau tidak mahu menyumbang kpd sekolah ingatlah guru, kalau tidak kpd guru, ingatlah sekolah
Jadi harapan aq besar agar kita kembali menyinar. SPM bukannya indikator KEJAYAAN. Jgn ada yg rasa inferior, segan silu plak.


September 14, 2009

Lu Jgn Kurang Aja!~

Ini ada satu cerita. Hari yg amat2 memenatkan. Tambahan pula adala adegan2 yg sgt2 menarik. Sy pun xsangka perjalanan balik ke rumah harini akan jadi mcm nih.

Seperti yg sedia maklum, sy mengambil kesempatan sempena cuti raya selama 2 minggu nih utk melawat almameter terchenta(haha). Sng saje, sy jd hitch-hiker dr lembah beringin ke Ipoh...
Okey, tipu je. Tumpang kwn yg tinggal di tg rambutan. Smpai di Ipoh sy pun tnpa segan silu menelefon rakan STAR, AFU.. dialognya lbey krg cegini
" Weyh afu amek aq. Da nk smpai STAR ni. "
afu - " Jap2 aq nak mandi"

* perbualan seterusnya tidak penting*

KEsimpulannya sy menumpang di rumah kwn spanjang 2 hari di ipoh. BAik topik utama post ni adalah berkenaan perjalanan balik ke rumah.

Isnin, 14 September 2009, sy pun menaiki bas konsortium xpress jam 11.30am ke Puduraya. Mcm biasa jalanraya agak sesak. Tp x terasa sbb sedar shaja sy dah berada di KL(inilah akibat tidur lmbt di rumah org).

Smpai shj die tmpt yg ditetapkan, pkcik driver pun mengarahkan kami turun. Cehs. Sebaik shj sy meneruskan perjalanan utk mencari bas metro 21, tiba2 seorg lelaki berkulit gelap menghampiri. Pada mulanya sy x terperasan dipanggil kerana sibuk melayan lagu Guns N Rose-Sweet Child O'Mine.

Beliau bertanya *dlm English* adakah sy reti berbahasa Inggeris. Raut wajahnya yg kasihan, menampakkan betapa desperatenye dia. lalu dia bertanya adakah sy blh membantunya. Ceritanya dia adalah warga India, dtg ke Malaysia utk apentah. Dia ingin ke JB tp tiada duit. Jadi dia meminta ehsan sy utk memberinya RM20 sbgai tambang ke JB.
Sy berfikir sejenak. Mmg, dlm kotaraya KL ni terlalu banyak tragedi sudah terjadi. Dan naluri sy terasa kuat utk meragui lelaki tersebut. Namun sy gagahkan jiwa meneruskan perbualan * walaupun tgn dah separuh kejang mmbawa beg yg terlalu berat*. So nak dijadikan cerita, akhirnya sy berlalu pergi kerana tidak terpancar keikhlasan pd lelaki tersebut. Namun sbnrnya berat hati utk meninggalkan beliau. Namun apakan daya, poketku juga kosong.. Huhu..

Jalan pnya jalan, akhirnya jumpa juga bas metro 21. Mcm biasa. Sy naek dgn selamba da terus menajamkan mata mencari kerusi kosong. Haish.. Lega.. Rehat jap. Tetapi rehatku yg sebentar dlm bas metro terganggu apabila berlaku pertelingkahan dgn seorg warga emas dgn konduktor bus. Pada mulanya sy tidak perasan pertelingkahan tersebut kerana sibuk meayan mp3. Tetapi akhinrya terdgr juga apabila warga emas tersebut meninggikan suara. Beliau berkata 'Lu jgn kurang ajar!'...

Terlihatkan situasi yg agak menarik ni * hehe.. sy menumpukan sepenuh perhatian pd pertelingkahan tersebut. Isunya ialah warga emas tersebut tidak dpt menerima hakikat bahawa tambang bas sudah naik dan berkeras utk dicaj cuma RM2.00 utk ke Puchong. Haish uncle dlu pun sy pegi Puchong RM2.50 maaa.... Jadi konduktor bus itu pun dgn kerasnya juga mempertahankan kebenarannya. Warga emas tu tak habis2 berteriak 'jgn kurang ajar!'..
Kasihan pula sy kt bro tuh kerana pd pemerhatian sy, dia tidaklah bersikap 'kurang ajar'.. Akhirnya bro konduktor tu mengalah dgn ayat pasrah 'xpe pakcik sy respek org tua'. Lalu memberikan harga tambang sperti yg dimahukan warga emas itu. Org tua la katekan. Mungkin sudah nyanyuk. kang dilayan kita pula yg dipandang serong... Kecewa dgn pengakhiran tersebut *sy mengharapakn ending yg lebih dramatis. haha* sy pun menyambung tidur sambil leka mendgr mp3...


Akhirnya sampailah di rumah setelah lebih kurang5 jam di dlm bas... Alhamdulillah..

September 4, 2009


Adakalanya kita perlu cuba berfikir. Tentang setiap perkara yg terjadi.
Adakah ianya secara kebetulan ataupun sudah ditakdirkan, ataupun dgn kata lain sudah tercatat 'di langit' peristiwa yg berlaku ni?
Kadangkala manusia mudah lupa(bukan Melayu shj ya) betapa beruntungnya dikurnia segala yg ada.
"Saya sering mengeluh kerana kehilangan selipar, tapi suatu hari saya terlihat seorg hamba yg ketiadaan kaki, hati tersentuh" - ini antara ungkapan faveret oleh seseorg yg saya kenali.
Jadi seharusnya kita bersyukur dan cuba menikmati rahmat yg diberi. Tapi yg paling penting adalah meng'utlise' ataupun mengoptimumkan rahmat yg sudah diberi. Salah satunya ialah kecerdasan akal. Seringkali kita terleka untutk menggunakan kurniaan ini sepenuhnya. Adakah anda tahu bahawa manusia menggunakan hanya 10% drpd kemampuan akalnya. Jadi cuba bayangkan apa yg kita mampu buat jika 100% keupayaan berjaya digunakan. Fikirlah~

At the moment~

August 21, 2009

Life so far?

jUST WANNA sAy. iM eNJOyING mysELf hEre(KYUEM). many things had happen during my 1st month here.
Sorry friends for the lack of information bout me lately. Its getting tougher here. I write this so that u know my latest condition. I got no chance to text all of u alltogether. Hope this post give u the info needed. :)

Update :

  • paticipated in boria, and won
  • bashed in the welcoming party(wet!)
  • managed to discover my pet family (bob,nabilah,norain)
  • currently handling CP(cultural performance) : Publicity manager

House of Courage : Diamond

We performed. And Win! :P

July 31, 2009

Dont try this on road!

Yeah! She's a woman.
She's just 18tn.
And she is FILA..
now guys.. take a close look on her picture.
Yeah obviously FILA is driving.. But WTH does she played with her right hand?
Its Apple ipod!
N she was texting sumone while driving..!

Ahaha.. no offense fila...
thx to u, i ve reached my home sweetly, safely, without severe injuries.. hehe :P
aha! n thx too for your great hospitality in ur home!~ XD

You're not alone~~

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone

you're not alone - mj


1st of all. to those who *would/ought to read this post. seriously, prepare for another sentimental,touching, corny post. muahaha.. i dedicate this post to all my beloved friends. Nothing odd because everyone are special for me. :) Im thinking about this almost everytime when i'm alone; relaxing in my room, on9, playing games, reading books in my special room(STAR), study for SPM, a-level...thus i'm relieved when suddenly this song played again during 'artistic appreciation', my Kyuem induction week. Thx faci's. i almost forget this meaningful song. now, i'm grateful because ive been given one of the most precious treasure in this world. friends.

thx to my friends who shared*shares your laughter,joy, and tough moments. When we laughed,sang,cried together.. it was such an unforgetful memorabilia.

my most beloved cluster of friends. the HEXA family. thx for your
endless support and encouragement.

'the team that survived' - my f1 in schools members. im proud being one of your team.
its an honour managing Golden ZR!

yeah! STARIAN 048. once a starian always a starian.
thx guys. i know we're juz the same. we learn more about life here aite?
till we meet again! lets alter the new the world!~

Aha! and for the current*and always closest friend of all,
my Kyuemians members. esp batch 12.
i hope*and optimist that our 2 years here would be the best moment ever!

and, to all my long-lost friends, my beshties, those who're not mention above,
my friend..
who feels you're somehow alone in the middle of nowhere,
who stress out of the 'studyholic' world
who struggles to discover your new chapter of life
You're not alone.. im always here

till then. guys, i'm badly needing your prayers and support.
before you change the webpage and 'click' on another web, please listen and see thoroughly the lyrics :P

July 24, 2009

1st Post From KYUEM!

Guys.. Seriously im really sorry for not updating my blog for a long time. It has been a very, i mean it.. VERY bz day. For this induction week, there were such amazing xtvties such as 'samurai', 'johari windows', team building, and many more. Thx to our facys, we managed to come this far, adapting ourselves in this verdant uplands. Now I understand akmal amri's message to me that this KYUEM is very boring, isolated, and u have nowhere to go even if u fly. Thats why the only entertainment in here are something called FRIENDS.

Fyi, Im enjoying myself here. really. Im voted as the BA(Batch Anniversary of batch 11) Director.Thus Im very grateful with the fact that Im given with a skillful and enthusiastic team. Thx to Zully and Ain, my co-director, my high comm Aid,Zik,Anas,Sara,Deena,Razin,Fila,Ashee and the last but not least the beloved batch 12. This Sunday, ill represent Diamond in Boria along with 15 others. Wow. Amazing isnt it? Juz a week here and im ready to dance. Chaiyok Harinn.. :)

Thats it for now. Geez. I managed to on9 using Aslam's Mac. The PC in my chalet is 'laju mcm setan- bak kate aid' and its really pissed me off sometimes.

Till then. These are the picz of BA. NJOY ya! :)

Thx batch 11
Director in-action
Guys.. Listen!
Stars of the night : Blonde,Fez,Radhy
Transformers vs pocong

Credit to banner Team!