OK atas permintaan yg tinggi *uhuk* . Blog ini akhirnye diupd8 setelah
bersawang selama hampir sebulan. Bukannya tak mahu tapi tiada kesempatan masa. Pelik juga cuti yg sepatutnya punyai masa terluang boleh dikatakan bz.....Jadi mari beralih kpd isu kali ni.. Di timur tgh, kecoh SEBENTAR apabila kapal misi bantuan ke Gaza ditahan rejim Zionist. Alangkah menyayat hari apabila rakyat Tukri yg tidak bersalah dijadikan korban
kejahatan mereka. Di Perancis pula parlimen sibuk berdebat mengenai isu pemakaian purdah.
Kerajaan yg kononnya antara 'hero' demokrasi sedang berlawan dgn bayang2 sendiri.
Di Malaysia pula kita geli seketika apabila terdedah tentang pemansuhan UPSR dan PMR.
Mari kita telaah isu ni sebetul2nya...
"Konsensus bebas berpendapat bahawa sistem pendidikan di Malaysia seolah-olah bergantung kepada citarasa menteri. Dasar pendidikan berubah mengikut perubahan penjawat portfolio menteri pelajaran,"
ini bukan saya yg cakap. tapi konsensus BEBAS, dgn kata lain ahli2 parlimen BEBAS yg tidak
terikat dgn mana2 'PARTY'
Nampaknya ada relevannya kenyataan tersebut. Kita sedia maklum, dlm 1 dekad ini, pelajar generasi kini seolah2 menjadi bahan eksperimentasi pak2 menteri yg ghairah demi nama diri..
Berikanlah contoh Pak Hisham ketika menjadi menteri dulu, PPSMI, naik sahaja Pak Muhyi, PPSMI dimansuhkan.. Apa yg paling menghairankan ialah mengapa keputusan itu tidak dibuat lama dahulu. Adakah persidangan awal mereka masing2 sebenarnya tidak bersetuju tetapi berdiam diri kerana keputusan terletak di tangan pak menteri pelajaran. Tambah kelakar apabila kerajaan mendedahkan kajian bahawa keputusan kajian terhadap PPSMI adalah negatif. APEKAAHHHHH!!? Setelah hampir 10 tahun pelajar kita merana dan ditipu dgn berita 'KEPUTUSAN MENINGKAT' di dada akhbar setiap kali peperiksaan awam, baru kebenaran hendak didedahkan?
Tapi biarlah. YG sudah itu kita lupakan sekejap. Berbalik kpd isu pemansuhan UPSR dan PMR.
Kerajaan sepatutnya menerangkan dgn jelas dahulu langkah2 seterusnya JIKA ianya dimansuhkan.
Kita sedia maklum betapa pentingya UPSR dan PMR, terutama dalam memilih pelajar cemerlang ke sekolah berasrama penuh(SBP) atau MRSM. baru2 ini terpampang di dada akhbar, cadangan Pak Muhyi supaya kemasukan ke SBP diadakan peperiksaan pemilihan... Wah.. Bernas. Tapi mari kita lihat masalahnya ;
- Nampaknya kerajaan dinaungan ***** ini mmg xpernah prihatin dgn masalah rakyat. Jikalau peperiksaan pemilihan dilaksanakan, berapa ramai yg akan mengambil bahagian. Masalah SEBENAR ialah kebanyakan pelajar kita TIDAK tahu pun kewujudan SBP. Ambil contoh pelajar bernama Harinn Hizhadi. Beliau tidak pun tahu kewujudan STAR,Ipoh sebelum tercampak ke sana. Hasil daripada perbualan dgn rakan2, hampir 78.9% peratus pelajar tidak tahu menahu tentang kewjuduan SBP. Justeru, manakah relevannya? Apa kerajaan tidak bimbang potensi pelajar cemerlang yg bakal dibazirkan hanya kerana kegagalan ketersampaian maklumat.
- PAk Muhyi juga ber*reason* dgn media bahawa ada pelajar yg tidak mahu ke SBP. Kenyataan ini sepatutnya tidak perlu disebut kerana mendedahkan 'kebijakan' beliau. Janganlah kerajaan kita menganggap anak kecik berusia 12 tahun ini ckup matang utk mmbuat keputusan samada mahu ke sekolah asrama atau tidak. Tidak kah terfikir kanak2 baya ini, keputusannya lebih byk dipengaruhi emosi drpd rasionalisasi.? Mungkinlah.. mungkin... Pak Muhyi hendak mendidik jiwa 'demokrasi' dlm hati diri anak2 kini.
- Kalau begitu pula, bagaimana dgn sekolah2 KLUSTER, SEKOLAH BERPRESTASI TINGGI, DAN mcm2 lglah kelompok skolah. Adakah perlu diadakan peperiksaan pemilihan juga? Masalah yg terhasil ini sebenarnya wujud drpd mama no1 Pak Menteri juga. Jangan slhkan org lain.
- dan yg paling penting, sebab utama pemansuhan ini adalah bertujuan utk membuat 'ura-ura' bahawa sistem pendidikan Malaysia berorientasikan peperiksaan.. Haish.. Memanglah namanya disebut berorientasikan PEPERIKSAAN, tapi bukan PEPERIKSAAN masalahnya, tetapi silibus pembelajaran dan kaedah pengajaran, ditambah pula dgn pengurusan sekolah yg bermasalah sebenarnya. Ambil contoh peperiksaan A-LEVEL utk ke luar negara. Sistemnya, separuh utk tahun pertama, dan sambungan utk tahun kedua. Markah akan dicampur utk kedua2 tahun. Lihat pula PMR dan SPM. Apa kaitannya? Tiada langsung. Sekadar mmberi 'lesen' kpd pelajar utk ke SBP adalah. Persoalan utamanya ialdah, kerajaan bukannya patut memansuhkan sistem peperiksaan, tapi perlu mengkaji kelemahan pengurusan dan kaedah pembelajaran. Kita bukannya hendak melahirkan guru Pendidikan KEsihatan yg hanya tahu membaling bola utk dipertandingkan, ataupun guru Agama yg bercerita ilmu 'maturity' kpd anak muridnya. Dan bukannya melahirkan nazir yg datang ke sekolah bermusim, yg akhirnya ditipu dgn 'preparation' sedia ada. Tapi kita mahu sistem pendidikan yg melahirkan individu yg dilengkapkan dgn 'critical thinking', yg akhirnya lahir menjadi insan berkualiti.
Kesimpulannya mudah. Pelik benar kerana mana hilangnya otak mereka2 ini? Mungkin sudah dicemari, ataupun terlampau sibuk bermain politik hingga agenda utama mereka utk 'bekerja' utk rakyat dilaksanakan dgn berjaya. Nampaknya akan menjadi realitilah, 'Rakyat di'Utama'kan ..' utk menjadi bahan eksperimen.
Moga2 generasi kini berfikir lagi. Insyaallah.~
dasar pendidikan berubah-ubah ikut selera politik semasa la
kalau rakyat rasa nak pape,time b4 PRU la nk claim mcm2
sbb time2 mcm ni la vital point for APNO nak dpt kn undi rakyat
nnti pas da abes PRU,dorg tgok balik selera rakyat,klau ok dorg go on dgn proposal
dunia ini penuh flexibility harinn oi
sampai bila nak duduk di takuk lama
bila ade perubahan nak melenting
sedangkan kita x taw lg module yg akan di guna pakai
bila da siap sume proposal nnti,time tu la baru boleh comment
jgn cepat melatah
iyelah eszol. tp mslhnyer perubahan xkne mase.
thx 4 ur opinion.~ xP
bila yg sesuai nye tu?
Interesting post, Harinn.
You mentioned that the PMR and UPSR syllabus is flawed. While I agree that the problem lies in the 'kaedah pengajaran & pembelajaran' and 'kelemahan pengurusan', I don't agree that the syllabus is exam-orientated. Look through the textbooks. If you notice, at the end of every chapter, there will be questions on what the student have learned in that particular chapter, how the student can apply that knowledge in real life, and opinion-based queries that stimulate the student's critical and lateral thinking skills. Plus, the textbooks even suggest group activities to discuss the chapter learned. So no, the syllabus is not flawed.
Annnnddd, at PMR level, students are required to complete coursework and folios as a supplement to complement their exam papers. These tasks are actually really helpful with developing a child's ability to plan an investigation, organise research procedures, exhibit ingenuity and prudence, manage time wisely and most importantly, tolerance, teamwork and resourcefulness. Is this not true?? To top that, students learn subjects that require a lot of thinking like:
1. Sejarah - enhances students' knowledge on Malaysian History and comparing what you know with World History. It also enables students to embrace their culture and identity, instills patriotism and willingness to work hard and sacrifice for the country (like stereotypical Germans??), AND learn from the mistakes that their (ours too) fore-fathers made in the past in order to improve the well-being of the rakyat and putting Malaysia on par with other powerhouse nations.
2. Geografi - provides students with general knowledge on the landscapes of various regions around the world, and how to adapt to the hostility of the weathers of the world. Plus, one can have a rough idea of what the geography of a country is like, without having to go there. And, students get to learn how to predict climate changes, based on destructive human activities; how it affects the community and how to prevent these cataclysmis climate changes.
3. Kemahiran Hidup - You name it. Basically 70% of what you need to know to survive in the cold harsh world. From entrepreneur skills to soft skills, everything is there. Refer to the KH Form 1, 2 & 3 textbooks and you'll realise how useful these living skills are, in daily life. I myself learn a lot. Like how to sapu sampah. The correct and economical way. ;p
Everyone seems to be pointing their pudgy fingers to the education system, teachers, parents, the Government, the paper chase obssesion and all sorts of things in sight. But, everyone also seems to overlook the students - the said 'guinea pigs'. What about their attitude towards learning? When they are bombarded with a chapter to revise, what comes to their puny minds?
"I need to study this to score A in my exam!"
"I hate this topic. Nvm, I'll just memorise my head off and I'll forget after PMR is over."
"Wow, new chapter. A stimulating one, too. I'm gonna ask lots of questions on this topic and see how I can expand my ideas in everyday life!"
What say you?
Now Q the point is we should never blame anyone, rather, put the blame on ourselves. Like the akon-put the blame on me, I choose to blame the students too...
the major part should be taken by the government, supposingly do.. Indeed there are many indicators that proved on the irrelevancy of our syllabus.
1 : it is not in-line with the 'falsafah pendidikan kebangsaan'.. When we are discussing about the syllabus, we cant argue on the basis of how the questions should be. For example. if you, which im sure, remember how the SEjarah SPM papers? My opinion is, rather than asking the students 'which year', 'where is', the questions should be more critical such as, 'what is the rationale behind the attack of Malacca' etc.. This surely would nurture the students think and analyse rather than just 'memorising'..
2 : I do the agree with the fact that we have coursework and the KH thingy, however, how do you see this implementation are taken. I dont see any follow up initiates in the syllabus, which can be seen in the optionality of GEO and KH in SPM. Do you think students at the early age, 15 for example could really innovate an electric circuit and then instantly implement it in their daily lives. Or can u see how many students learned to sweep the floor(the right way) and then initiates to practice in the class? xP . No, if that happen, maybe proactive student like u might do that but how many of them? GEO for example. For what reason do we have to memorise the plantations in each geographical location without even know, or maybe the student themselves cant recognise 'tanah gambut'.. x)
This, I conclude as the practicality and the follow up by the governments, which, i believe should be in the syllabus.
3 : Yes, the students have various stigma on the education system and syllabus itself. If be look back, for what reason can a 12 years old student started to think like that? Maybe.. MAYBE they are indoctrinated by the pressure that they get from our education environment nowadays. At this era, students who does not achieve straight As seems to feel inferior. Why is this so, its going on how the society and the government themselves treat these unlucky students. For example, if you properly study the application form of JPA scholarship, it is clearly stated that the priority will be given to the straight As students. On this reason, I would like to ask, which students are better?
One which get 90++ for their PHYSICS and going to further for engineering, but unlucky enough to drop B for unrelated BIO...
One which managed to achieve A for PHY and BIO but its just the low A..
This, I believe is impractical, stressing the fact that does our marks are really taken to note?
Ok.. Surely, we cant argue more on this topic but my post is just a quick response to the announcement. I believe the proposal will be out soon and we should discuss further.
Thx anyway for the great comments
. ;P
debate between Q and harinn!!! good luck both of u...gov yang akan tentukan keputusannya nnt...tunggu dan lihat sajalah...hantarlah anak2 anda ke sekolah khalifah :))
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