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June 29, 2009

Start With Yourself

When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits,
I dreamed of changing the world.
As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change,
so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country.
But it, too, seemed immovable.
As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt,
I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me,
but alas,
they would have none of it.
And now, I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realized:
If I had only changed myself first,
then by example I would have changed my family.
From their inspiration and encouragement,
I would then have been able to better my country
who knows, I may have even changed the world.

June 27, 2009


1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4

Give me more lovin' than I've ever had
Make it all better when I'm feelin' sad
Tell me that I'm special even when I know I'm not

Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely gettin' mad, I'm so glad I found you
I love bein' around you
You make it easy, it's as easy as 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4

There's only one thing to do
Three words for you I love you
There's only one way to say
Those three words and that's what I'll do, I love you

Give me more lovin' from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends

Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Best that I've had, I'm so glad that I found you
I love bein' around you
You make it easy, it's as easy as 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4

There's only one thing to do
Three words for you I love you
There's only one way to say
Those three words and that's what I'll do, I love you
I love you

You make it easy, it's easy as 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4

There's only one thing to do
Three words for you I love you
There's only one way to say
Those three words and that's what I'll do, I love you
I love you

1, 2, 3, 4
I love you
I love you

June 26, 2009


YEs.. Ive decided.. Im yours now.. Rite now im feeling so TNB-ish.
Im also TNBeing. 10 years from now.. The whole world will need u,depends on u.

Herm,, YOU! I'll be the next YOU.
You can count on me!

June 25, 2009

Pathway To The Better ME~

Ive decided my own path. Road to success. Indeed, this is the latest,beautiful,and the best option(i hope so). Ive faith in my decision. Ive faith in His design. I believe that im not accidentally 'trapped' in this situation. It is properly designed by Him. So there
must be some good reasons. What im going to do is simple. Lets discover the reasons and utilise
my ability to the optimum.

Ive rejected JPA, it is 'okay'.
Ive rejected PETRONAS, someone said this is a ridiculous act.
Now, its Bank Negara.. Ive rejected them too.. This is my firm decision. Some said
ive lost my mind. People mumbling about how stupid of me to reject such
'prestigious' scholarship. Well... My answer is simple. The 'prestigious' scholarship wont take me
to the top. It is me who decide my own pathway..To the top..
True success doesnt lies beneath the scholarship. It stays deep inside our own soul, waiting
for us to decide and make the pathway as clear as possible, for better journey.
So.. Ive find my pathway to success.. How about you?

See you at the top!

June 24, 2009


Yunus: You want to know?? Good scientific explanation
(Adakah anda ingin tahu. Satu penjelasan saintifik yang bagus)

Bob: Tell me why is it that a Muslim is very particular about the words Halaal and haraam; what do they mean?
(Terangkan kepada saya Kenapa orang Islam ni sangat mementingkan dan begitu teliti dengan istilah 'Halal dan juga Haram'; apa sebenarnya maksud perkataan-​pekataan tersebut)

Yunus: That which is permissible is termed Halaal and that which is not permissible is termed Haraam and it is the Quran which draws the distinction between the two.
(Halal bermaksud perkara yang dibenarkan dalam Islam manakala haram pula bermaksud perkara yang tidak dibenarkan dalam Islam dan al Quranlah yang telah menggariskan perbezaan diantara keduanya.)

Bob: Can you give me an example?
(Boleh awak beri saya contoh?)

Yunus: Yes, Islam has prohibited blood of any type. You will agree that a chemical analysis of blood shows that it contains an abundance of uric acid, a chemical substance which can be injurious to human health.
(Ok. Islam telah melarang memakan apa jua jenis darah (kecuali darah ikan dan belalang kalau tak silap saya). Kamu tentu akan setuju bahawa satu analisis kimia terhadap darah menunjukkan ia mengandungi banyak asid urik, iaitu satu bahan kimia yang merbahaya pada kesihatan manusia.)

Bob: You're right about the toxic nature of uric acid, in the human being it is excreted as a waste product and in fact we are told that 98% of the body's uric acid is extracted from the blood by the kidneys and removed through urination.
(Kamu benar berkaitan dengan toksid semulajadi yang terkandung dalam asid urik ni. Di dalam badan manusia, ia digolongkan sebagai bahan kumuh/buangan, malahan kami diberitahu bahawa 98% dari asid urik ini diekstrak/​ditapis daripada darah oleh buah pinggang dan dibuang melalui sistem perkumuhan)

Yunus: Now I think that you'll appreciate the special prescribed method of animal slaughter in Islam.
(Sekarang saya rasa kamu akan dapat merasai betapa beruntungnya satu cara istimewa dalam Islam berkenaan penyembelihan binatang.)

Bob: What do you mean?
(Apa maksud kamu)

Yunus: You see, the wielder of the knife, whilst taking the name of the 'Almighty', makes an incision through the jugular veins, leaving all other veins and organs intact.
(Maksudnya, ketajaman pisau, menyembelih dengan menggunakan nama Allah yang Maha Besar, menyembelih pada urat leher, ini semua akan menyebabkan organ - organ penting lain pada haiwan tidak rosak)

Bob: I see, this causes the death of the animal by total loss of blood from the body, rather than an injury to any vital organ.
(Jadi kematian pada haiwan adalah melalui cara hilangnya darah secara keseluruhan daripada tubuh haiwan tersebut dan bukannya dengan mencederakan pada organ-organ penting yang lain)

Yunus: Yes, were the organs, example the heart, the liver, or the brain crippled or damaged, the animal could dia immediately and its blood would congeal in its veins and would eventually permeate the flesh. This implies that the animal flesh would be permeated and contaminated with uric acid and therefore very poisonous; only today did our dieticians realize such thing.
(Ya, sebagai contoh, sekiranya organ jantung, hati, atau otak retak atau rosak, binatang itu akan mati dengan cepat dan darahnya akan menjadi kental dalam salur darah dan ini secara perlahan lahan akan menyebabkan ia meresap ke dalam daging. Ini akan menyebabkan daging diresapi dan tercemar dengan asid urik menyebabkan ia menjadi amat beracun dan baru sekarang pakar-pakar diet menyedari akan hal ini.)

Bob: Again, while on the topic of food; Why do Muslims condemn the eating of pork or ham or any foods related to pigs or swine.
(Bercakap mengenai makanan ni,Kenapa orang Islam ni menolak untuk memakan daging khinzir atau sebarang makanan yang berkaitan dengannya)

Yunus: Actually, apart from the Quran prohibiting the consumption of pork,bacon (pig flesh); in fact the Bible too in Leviticus chapter 11,verse 8, regarding swine it says, "of their flesh (of the swine, another name for pig) shall you not eat, and of their carcass you shall not touch;they are unclean to you. "Further, did you know that a pig cannot be slaughtered at the neck for it does not have a neck; that is according to its natural anatomy.. A Muslim reasons that if the pig was to be slaughtered and fit for human consumption the Creator would have provided it with a neck. Nonetheless, all that aside, I am sure you are well informed about the harmful effects of the consumption of pork, in any form, be it pork chops,ham, bacon.
(Sebenarnya, ada bahagian daripada Al-Quran melarang penggunaan daging khinzir ini. Malah dalam Bible sendiri dalam Leviticus, chapter 11, verse 8, berkaitan dengan daging khinzir ini, kata Bible? Pada daging khinzir itu, janganlah kamu makan, dan bangkainya janganlah kamu sentuh, ia adalah tidak bersih untuk kamu. Tahukah juga kamu bahawa seekor khinzir tidak boleh disembelih pada lehernya kerana ia sendiri sebenarnya tidak mempunyai leher jika kita nak tengok dari anatomi semulajadinya. Bagi orang Muslim sekiranya khinzir itu boleh disembelih dan sesuai untuk keperluan manusia, maka Tuhan tentunya akan menjadikan khinzir itu mempunyai leher. Apapun, tanpa melihat pada semua itu, saya yakin bahawa kamu tentu tahu betapa daging khinzir ini, walau dalam apa jua bentuk pun akan memberikan kesan yang merbahaya)

Bob: The medical science finds that there is a risk for various diseaseas the pig is found to be a host for many parasites and potential diseases.
(Sains perubatan mendapati bahawa khinzir ini mrerupakan hos/perumah bagi pelbagai jenis parasit dan berisiko kepada terhadap pelbagai jenis penyakit)

Yunus: Yes, even apart from that, as we talked about uric acid content in the blood, it is important to note that the pig's biochemistry excretes only 2% of its total uric acid content, the remaining 98% remains as an integral part of the body.
(Ya, malah selain daripada itu sebagaimana kita berbincang mengenai kandungan asid urik dalam darah tadi, didapati khinzir hanya membuang 2%daripada kandungan asid uriknya sebagai bahan kumuhan dan baki 98% lagi akan kekal sebagai sebahagian dari tubuhnya).

June 17, 2009

We Are The STARs

At the moment I stare at those sparkling STARs, I realised there must some reasonable answers for that incident and their existence. I think... think... and think.. Still thinking...~
Then I realised the fact that each STARs have their own 'power source'. The Sun.. It is one of the STARs. The mighty, gigantic Sun, that sized 50 000 000 larger than this tiny earth - lighten our world, produce heat for temperature balance, enabled the plants to undergo Photosynthesis-the starting point for all chains..(food chain).. Yes.. The STARs are surely priceless..

Then, I glimpse at my fellow STARs, why not.. we become,behave, and bestowed like the stars, at least take the Sun as an example. It is the closest one. We too.. have our own power to succeed. We too... have the will to overcome others. We too.. can brigthen others... We too.. responsible to each other.. We too.. still can succeed alone... We too.. Never and won't stop shining..

Well...Talking about failure.. The Sun too... doesnt produce its flares all the time.. But when time comes. Even the earth would be in hell. So.. This is the time to produce our flares dear STARIANS..

The incredible Taj Mahal was not built in 10 years time. It takes hundreds...
The enormous pyramids takes hundred years, sacrifice thousands soul, and need powerful leadership..

Success is a journey.. not a destination.

It doesnt matter where you are now.From the 'ceruk' somewhere in the Sabak Bernam, to somewhere overseas at the other side of this earth beneath Malaysia. The truth is.. its all depends on YOURSELF.

"no one on the face of this earth can make you feel inferior without your permission"

The most vital thing now is to have your own goals. It is really important. Till all of you would realise this, if you do have a goal.. it is better to digress a little or achieve just a small fraction of that goal. Rather than having nothing because you've no goals. Goals must be specific, reasonable, and workout with consistent effort. Keep on networking because we are born to help each other. BE READY.. to face a totally different world than that funny, typical Sekolah Berasrama Penuh.

Till we meet again. GOODLUCK and 'HELLO the better STARs'

June 16, 2009

PakCik MakCik... Jgn Slhkan Kami~

Assalamualaikum WBT..

Isu kali ini agak menarik. Mungkin kerana inilah pertama kali saya menyentuh isu politik. Tetapi, sedutan politik itu pun cume sebahagian sahaja. Kali ini saya ingin mengetengahkan isu tentang remaja sekarang. Masalah sosial. Saban hari kita melihat remaja Malaysia semakin kehilangan identiti. Krisis identiti, ayat mudahnya. Namun apa yg paling membimbangkan ialah gejala sosial yg semakin menjadi2 ini. Pihak Polis Bukit Aman mendedahkan kebanyakan masalah sosial yg berlaku di negara ini dilakukan oleh remaja. Akibatnya, pelbagai gejala sosial yg berlaku 'diserasikan' dgn remaja. Semuanya dikaitkan dgn KAMI.

Bukannya hendak menafikan kebenaran, cuma ingin mengajak warga emas/belia/org dewasa/bukan remaja supaya muhasabah diri. Setiap perkara yg berlaku ada sebabnya. Masalah skrg ialah pihak masyarakat terlalu memfokuskan kpd MASALAH, bukan kpd PUNCANYA. Jikalau semua org benar2 'berfikir', mengapakah remaja2 ini jd sebegitu. Gejala MEREMPIT/samseng jalanan, merokok, rogol, penyalahgunaan dadah, semuanya ada punca UTAMAnya. Saya bukannya mahu mengajak rakan2 menuding jari kpd sesiapa, cuma mahu mereka yg berfikiran kolot cuba melakukan transformasi minda dan anjakan paradigma.

Kebanyakan masyarakat terlalu memandang serong terhadap golongan remaja. Nampak sahaja anak2 muda 'shuffle' di sekitar KL, dilabel budak tidak berguna. Lintas sahaja pemuda menaiki motosikal dihadapan mereka dilabelkan sebagai matrempit. Tahu ataupun tidak sebenarnya kata2 itu sbnrnya suatu doa. Di sini saya ingin menegaskan bahawa anak2 muda ini tidak akan secara azalinya menjadi MATREMPIT,PENAGIH DADAH,perogol, tetapi puncanya pelbagai.

Punca yg paling berpengaruh ialah pemimpin. Pemimpin itu meliputi pelbagai peringkat. Daripada pemimpin keluarga sehinggalah kpd pemimpin negara. Hari ini saya ingin memfokuskan kpd pemimpin negara. Saya ingin mengambil contoh beberapa perkara yg berlaku di DEWAN 'RAKYAT'.

  1. speaker Perak, Sivakumar diangkat seperti knk2 oleh beberapa anggota berkuasa(yg tidak sepatutnya ada di situ) beredar daripada kerusi speakernya - kekerasan
  2. beberapa ahli pembangkang memakai pengikat kepala 'Bubar DUN' dan berteriak di dlm DEWAN 'RAKYAT' - pasar mlm
  3. ******* mencarut semasa sidang parlimen - adab

Itu sahaja.. Saya tidak mahu komen pihak mana yg benar ataupun salah. Cuma ingin mengambil tindakan mereka sebagai 'contoh' yg pastinya akan menjadi ikutan anak muda skrg. Justeru, tidak hairanlah kalau remaja2 kita berperangai seperti ini. Maknanya mereka mencontohi org yg sepatutnya dicontohi..


June 13, 2009

Wonderful Trip TO Pangkor~

Zoom Malaysia! Banyak utk dilawati,banyak lg utk diterokai.
Malaysia Truly Asia...~~
Before I move on to my post.
Let ME urge you to enthusiastically discover MALAYSIA !!
Especially the Malaysian readers, why do you go overseas when our lovely nation
also has truly amazing places to be visited?
Pulau Pangkor!One of the best! Lets go!


The best refreshment is the mind relaxation. Hu.. Maybe because of this, my dad brought us to the Pangkor Island on the 11th June. Well. It was 4 years ago(maybe) since my last family gathering. Yeah My big bro is studying in Johor, lil bro in Pahang, Me.. Perak.. In additon, my father's occupation also had him struggles, working 6 days per week. It takes REAL holiday to gather the five of us.

I take this opportunity to forget the past and looking forward for the brighter future. But i cant help it.Still, ive been forced to relate the past with the current situation. Analysing mistakes, and learn from them. That is the true meaning of success. We wont face failure if we fail. We will face failure if we give up. It is never too late. Success is a journey, not a destination.
Herm.. Not much to say.. Juz enjoy the pictures..

I adore this picture a lot,Duno why..Nice snap, isnt it?

Snorkeling..Yeah.. The best activity.. I fed the fish with the Gardenia bread.
It is truly amazing, sincerely i cant describe the real feeling, witnessing them swiming at the edge of the rocks, then greedily bite the pieces of bread. However......

They did bite my cute finger..huu.. Bad fish..
Im kidding aite?
Im just kidding..
This is what happen when Im enthusiastically watching the fish
not knowing there is a huge rock in front.. As a result.. Here it is..
No big deal..Minor injury for major self enrichment.. hehs

err.. Well.. This is me when im lost and totally have no idea what to do~

Extremely exhausted.. me..
Ive been in the water for about 1 1/2 hours..

Owh pkcik..tanpamu siapalah kami..
Huhu.. Im glad that ive successfully snap this picture..This is the man behind the scene. Without him, we wont arrived at Pangkor..safely..
We Owe you pkcik..!! Terima kasih!


This trip surely struck a memorable lightning through me. I never know this 3 days,well-planned trip would be the best family trip ever. Thank you to my ABu n Umi for this trip. Looking for more..XD

June 7, 2009

Selamat Bertolak Syazmin!! Kami bangga dengan kamu!~~ XD

Sabtu, 6 Jun 09 saya menghadiri Majlis Doa Selamat di Puchong. Utk siapa lagi kalau bukan sahabat saya, Syazwan Amin, yg akan melanjutkan pelajaran ke US 2 minggu lg. Wah. Sungguh mengagumkan, saya dan rakan2 yg lain belumpun mendaftar utk 'prep' kami yg paling kurang pun mengambil masa 2 tahun, Syazmin pula akan terus mengambil 'degree' di Vanderbilt Unversity, Tennese,US. Beliau merupakan antara 40 org bertuah(atau boleh saya katakan hebat), terpilih utk Program Khas JPA. Beliau akan 'terbang' ke US 2 minggu lg. Walaupun sedih(syazmin ni lah yg selalu teman saya merayau di Mid), tp sbnrnya saya bangga mempunyai rakan yg berjaya.

Saya menulis post ini sbnrnya utk melahirkan rasa bangga dan kagum dgn pencapaian batch saya yg sebenarnya boleh dikatakan luar biasa. Fakta yg tidak boleh dinafikan, lebih 30 org akan melanjutkan pelajaran ke luar negara sudahpun amat mengagumkan, tetapi apa yg lebih menarik ialah hampir kesemua biasiswa ternama dan hebat seperti KHAZANAH,UEM,PETRONAS,SIME DARBY,TNB,SC,PNB,BANK NEGARA,TM (*tidak perlulah kita bincang tentang JPA dan MARA ye*)sudahpun kami punyai wakil utk setiap satunya. XD. Pencapaian ini sememangnya luar biasa kerana mereka ini bukanlah semuanya 'straight 1A'.

Mereka yg tidak mendapat biasiswa pula sbnrnya tidak bernasib baik dan pada hemat saya sepatutnya mereka berjaya. Mungkin tiada rezeki. Tidak mengapa.
Anda hanya gagal bila anda berputus asa - Zig Ziglar.

Rakan2 yg tidak berjaya ke luar negara pula ramai ke institusi pengajian tinggi hebat seperti UNITEN,UIA,UM,UiTM. Mereka ini adalah hero tempatan yg bakal dilahirkan. Sebenarnya belajar di mana sahaja, semuanya sama. Yang penting kemahuan utk belajar dan berjaya. Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan. Kadangkala kita terlupa pepatah Melayu ini. Saya akhiri post ni dgn ucapan Selamat Berjaya dan moga cemerlang didunia dan bahagia di akhirat khususnya kpd rakan2 STARIAN 048 dan semua sahabat sama ada yg mengenali atau tidak.. Slm

List pelajar cemerlang: thx Aid

Ahmad Hamidi Bin Abdul Rahim

Ahmad Zaidulkhair Bin Haji Zanal

Khazanah Nasional
Muhd Farid Farhan Bin Sahime

Muhd Faiz Fikri Bin Sahime

Muhammad Zuhair Bin Hasnol Zam Zam

Security Commission
Muhd Arif Bin Ismail

Muhamad Akmal Bin Raimee

Muhammad Zikri Bin Zainal Ariffin - UK
Muhammad Harinn Hizhadi Bin Mukhtar - UK
Azam Bin Roslan - UNITEN
Muhamad Syazwan Bin Aswat - UNITEN

Muhammad Firdaus Bin Roslan - UK
Ahmad Husaini Bin Abdul Rashid - Australia
Muhammad Nazmi Bin Shaarani - Canada
Muhd Syahmi Bin Ahmad - UTP
Muhd Ammar Bin Ramli - UTP
Muhd Sufian Bin Ayub - UTP
Muhd Syafiq Bin Dzaabar - UTP

Ahmad Shazwan Bin Kharip Shah
Haneef Bin Ameer Azhar - Jerman
Muhd Safwan Bin Mazelan - Jepun
Muhd Muntazar Bin Hairi - Jepun
Mawardi Bin Marzuki - Jepun
Muhd Syazwan Bin Mohamed Amin - US
Imaduddin Bin Hamzah - IPTS
Noor Muhajir Bin Noor Muhammad - IPTs

Ahmad Naufal Bin Anuar - Sepanyol
Muhd Khairul Hafiz Bin Muhd Fauzi
Izhan Bin Mohd Jaafar - UK
Muhd Firdaus Bin Abdullah - NZ
Muhd Syahmi Bin Mahamud Sayuti - NZ
Muhd Zaid Bin Zahri - Australia
Muhd Najhan Bin Jalaluddin - Rusia
Khairul Hazmi Bin Md Kames - NZ
Muhd Arif Bin Ahmad Fuad
Muhammad Muaz bin Ghazali

The Climb - Miley Cyrus

I can almost see it
That dream I’m dreaming but
There’s a voice inside my head sayin,
You’ll never reach it,
Every step I’m taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep tryin
Got to keep my head held high

There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
theres always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb

The struggles I’m facing,
The chances I’m taking
Sometimes they might knock me down but
No I’m not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I’m going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on,

There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb

There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you're going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb

Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It’s all about
It’s all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith

June 5, 2009

Tribute to My Harsh Reality of Life~

It has been a hectic day since my last visit to the beloved alma mater. Well. There's rumors about the crashing era(I cant remember when we are on top) of STAR. I thought my last year there(2008) was the RENAISSANCE era for them. I mean US. Still, i cant help rather than being NOTHING. Yes. Truly my soul was no longer there, my mind had already awaken,ive digrees the way im thinking. Sorry to say STAR, ive got to continue my own life. No more 'ALL FOR YOU'.

To be candid, im very thankful to be there. Maybe some of US totally disagree with me but this is the fact bro. Some of us blame the institution for being failed. Really, there is no other reason for failure rather than you, yourself. It is better to fail now bro. Because there's still more time to go.Improve yourself, be a better person. Dont fail again, though it is possible.Great person learn(and improve) from their previous failure, they dont learn how to fail. XD.. I write this as a preparation(mentally) for my admission to KYUEM. Ive longed to be there since F4. Yes.! Some of US did laugh and make fun of me when I shared my dream because it seems impossible, for me. But guys. Nothing impossible yarh. The barrier is built by your mind. 'Mind barrier', the most common and dangerous disease among all. Citizens are aware of H1N1 or Influenza A or Swine Flu... whatever its called. But let me remind you about this 'Mind Barrier'.

You are what you are. There are several factors of success. In this case I recommend you to read the infamous book '7 Habits of Highly Successful People- Steven R.Covey'. Master your mind before infiltrating into it. Law of attraction is one of the best philosophy. Try reading this book to master your own soul.

This 14th July, i'll admit to one of the famous prep institution. Geniuses, high achievers, there are ALL there. What should I do? Yeah.. The best thing I can do is by being myself. Thank God. Im going to be ME.

Aid, Farid,Faiz, Blonde, Badang,.. Lets make history.. Hope U r with me..~ XD